Friday, July 16, 2010

Unbelievably Awesome People

Well, as many who read this blog are already aware, the Registry was one of the top 200 "vote-getters" in the Chase Community Giving Campaign, hosted on Facebook. You know what this means? It means that Chase is donating $20,000 to the Registry!!!

This was a true "grassroots" effort, organized by many of our members. Several people noticed that the campaign was going on, and alerted their friends, who alerted THEIR friends, who alerted THEIR friends, and so on and so on. People posted links on their blogs, sent emails, created "voting events", posted to their Facebook walls, and more. Thanks to their efforts, we moved from the very bottom of the list of charities to finish at #34. Dr. Cody recently received the confirmation email from Chase, and now we're just waiting to hear the final details of the donation.

So, here's a hearty THANK YOU to everyone who voted, who encouraged others to vote, who did anything to help in this effort. What a fantastic group of people we have !!!!

Speaking of fantastic people, the Registry's conference just ended a couple of days ago. From all the reports I've heard, it was a resounding success!! Unfortunately, I can't blog about it personally, as I was not there. However, I am hoping I can ask someone else to write up a little something, or, at the very least, share some photographs!


  1. So excited that the Registry is getting this money!!! Whoo-hoo!!!! :)

  2. Me too! I'm glad that the endless nights of obsessing, and bugging people to an extent that I'm sure had them severing ties, actually payed off!!
